Number | Name | Description |
G13104 | Research Methodology I on International Office Administration | This course is to study concepts, process, methods, and techniques to produce a thesis for a degree. Topics include research issues, review of previous researches, research plan, measurement tool, data collection, sampling, data analysis, manuscript write-up, references, and SPSS practices. Students produce research proposal for a topic. |
NEW | Research Methodology II on International Office Administration | This course is to study intermediate level of concepts, process, methods, and techniques to produce a dissertation for Ph.D. Topics include intermediate issues in International Office Administration and quantitative research methods and advanced statistical analysis. |
NEW | Research Methodology III on International Office Administration | This course is to study advanced level of concepts, process, methods, and techniques to produce a dissertation for Ph.D. Topics include advanced issues in International Office Administration and quantitative research methods and advanced statistical analysis. |
Office Administration |
G13107 | Research on International Office Administration | Students will investigate the research issues and topics related to international office administration. Through this course, students set research objectives and strengthen the theoretical background of academic discipline. |
G13077 | Introduction to International Office Administration | In this course, students will investigate the theory and practice for effective operation and management of office. Especially, career development strategy of office professional will be investigated. |
G13116 | Seminar on Human Relations | In this course, students will learn theory and strategy of human relations and organizational behavior in business/office environment. The topics include communication, leadership, motivation, etc. Students will acquire problem solving and research ability related to human relations. |
G13102 | Seminar on Service Management & Education | Students will learn how to design, implement, and evaluation service management program and develop service training program. Topics such as evaluating service quality program, managing service center, managing and VIP customer service will be covered. |
G13091 | Seminar on Professional & Business Ethics | In this course, various theories related to ethics will be covered. Students will analyze and discuss professional and business ethics issues and cases. Also corporate social responsibility and establishing ethics system will be covered. |
Women Workforce Development |
G13093 | Human Resource Development | This course introduces principals and conventional theories of HRD. Students learn major concepts, history, and theories of HRD Students also study contents of each phases of HRD and topics of HRD such as socialization, organizational development, e-learning, mentoring and coaching, global HRD, etc. |
G13105 | Instructional Design on Business Practice | This course introduces training program development process and students practice of skills that used in the process. Students study theories of needs analysis and participate in needs analysis process. In particular, students practice a job analysis tool, DACUM, and equip with skills required in job analysis and data collection. |
G13118 | Studies on Career Development | This course introduces basic theories and practices in career development. Students study conventional workplace learning theories and career related theories such as career path, career change, professional career and development. In addition, students study cases in career of knowledge workers, career in globalization, and career as entrepreneurship. |
NEW | Studies on Woman Workforce Development | Students study basic contents and background of woman workforce development such as economic participation history, current status, and gender issues in workplace. Students also study several other countries’ woman workforce development status and issues to identify implication in Korea. Students study professional career woman workforce development. |
NEW | Performance Management Seminar | Students learn major concepts and theories of performance management to improve performance. Students study job analysis, standard task analysis, competency modeling, and several tools for organizational analysis. Student discuss pros and cons of each tools and study trendy topics in performance management. |
NEW | National Human Resource Development | This course introduces major concepts and theories in national human resource development (NHRD) area. Students study history and policies of NHRD throughout elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Students also compare other countries NHRD policies and study national level of HRD needs and policy direction. |
Business Communication |
G13115 | Seminar on Business Communication | This course introduces the communication genres frequently used in various business contexts. Through studying relevant theories and having hands-on experience applying those theories, students will improve business communication skills and will be able to conduct research in the area of business communication. |
G13089 | Seminar on Intercultural Communication | This course aims to promote students' understanding on intercultural interactions in global context. Through learning theories on verbal, nonverbal, and other relevant factors involved in communication among people of different culture, having hands-on experience analyzing communication cases, students will be able to develop emphathy and learn to be able to conduct research on intercultural communication. |
NEW | Seminar on Interpersonal Communication | Students will learn to manage their interpersonal communication for work and for relationship. Through studying relevant theories and analyzing communication situations, students will learn to be able to analyze interpersonal communication cases and conduct research on the topic. |
NEW | Independent Study on Business Communication | Students will survey research on business English/business communication intensively and experience conducting an independent research. |
G13086 | Business English as a Lingua Franca(BELF) | With the advent of globalization, the context for English communication is being changed. This course focuses on understanding English as a Lingua Franca for global audience. Students will be able to understand and conduct relevant research. |
G13114 | Approaches and Methods for BELF(Business English as a Lingua Franca) | Through learning theories and experiencing live examples of needs analysis, curriculum development, material development, class methods, and assessment for Business English class, students will develop an ability to teach Business English. |
G17169 | Professional English: Principles of Business Writing | The course focuses on building a solid foundation in business English for business writing purposes with an emphasis in verbal style, correct grammar, and mechanics of style (punctuation). Additionally, this course aims to develop the everyday business writing skills that meet the demands of the different business situations. |
G17168 | Professional English: Strategic Speaking Seminar | This course will investigate (1) the necessary business communication skills surrounding aural/oral communication and (2) achieve professional goals at the workplace, which include meeting and negotiation skills and presentation skills. |
NEW | English for Academic Purposes: Research Writing | The course is designed to sharpen communication skills in academic writing for research. The course will fill important needs to articulate clearly and effectively for the intended purpose. An academic style investigation will be made by reviewing the following key elements: (1) reinforcing functional vocabulary, grammar, usage, punctuation, mechanics, and referencing system, (2) analyzing real-texts to build a research paper, (3) applying writing strategies for different purposes; for example, data interpretation, summaries, and critiques. |
G13113 | Study on MICE Industry | This course introduces a systematic overview of the MICE Industry to build insights into the strategic planning, PR and management issues. |
NEW | MICE Contents Design Seminar | The course examines issues and analyses that impact on MICE contents design i.e. theme research, PR and program design. The method of creating innovative MICE contents are discussed. |
G13083 | Study on International Conference Communication | This course focuses on the study of international conference communication in the context of diverse international conference and convention. The course explores intercultural communication strategies and international conference communication theories and practices. |
NEW | Seminar on Event Planning & Management | This course focuses on Event planning and management. It explores the interface between venue, space, people and performance in diverse event settings. The course serves students to be a MICE specialist to achieve creative and logistical elements of implementing an event. Linkages between the MICE event concept, pre-production activities, finalization of event schedules, and event execution and closing out of the event are addressed in this course. |
NEW | Innovative MICE Planning and Project Management | This subject evaluates topical issues of MICE Industry to develop Innovative MICE Industry. It explores the effectiveness of various management actions that address topical issues affecting the MICE Industry sector. The selection of cases will vary each year, depending on the changes in topical issues, new paradigms for and the emergence of new ideas and management practices. |
Office Performance & Information Technology |
G13080 | Office Database Management | This course is to study the general concept of DB and DBMS, DB applications in global business environment and to experience DB construction for problem-solving in office administration field. Also DB design theory and method are briefly introduced. Students carry out several DB construction projects for various cases using MS-Access. |
NEW | Office Database Design | This course is to study the core concepts of database design and to apply it to produce competitive and cutting-edge design plan for construction of global office DB. |
G13108 | Office Information Systems Analysis and Design | This course is to study concept, process, methods, and techniques to diagnose problems of current system and analyze need for competitive global office information system design. Students learn theories and techniques of conventional SAD (Systems Analysis and Design) and produce business plan, specifications for current system with problems, and competitive design for future system. Students exercise logical, analytical, and critical thinking. |
G13110 | Seminar on Office Information System | This course is to (1)study concept and functions of office information system of current and future global business environment and (2)understand information processing capability of multi-functional global office administrators. Topics include concepts of smart information system, DB-based office information management, DB-based business decision making, project planning and management, and cutting-edge information terminologies. |
G13082 | Studies on Office Knowledge Management | This course is to motivate and train students to be active leaders with capability in the field of global office information management. Topics include characteristics of various kinds of knowledge, concept of knowledge management, concept of knowledge sharing, tools for office knowledge management, etc. Students carry out group projects to design strategic office knowledge management system. |
NEW | Studies on Office Information Management | This course is to study and practice advanced office information management. Topics include general concepts of information system, database management system, document management system, knowledge sharing system, etc. Students carry out a term-project to plan, analyze, design, and construct an advanced document management system. |